Join us for our weekly services across the Parish, as well as Home Groups and special activities.
During this Coronavirus crisis our regular pattern of services has been suspended.
We may have services in church but not every week.
We also record an online service video which is posted each Sunday, accessible from our home page.
Normal Service Schedule
With two church buildings, working out what service is on where and when is not easy! Hopefully, the list below will get you there. Occasionally, there are changes to the schedule. It is therefore a good idea to look at the current month’s copy of Church News or there are always monthly lists on the church noticeboards.
Our Facebook page also notifies you each week of where the services are.
9am services are from the Book of Common Prayer and use traditional English. 10.45 services use more contemporary language and are aimed at people of all ages.
1st Sunday 9am Holy Communion St Andrew’s Kingham
10.45am Morning Worship – All Saints, Churchill
Kidzone runs during the service
2nd Sunday 9am Holy Communion All Saints, Churchill
10.45am Holy Communion – St Andrew’s, Kingham
Kidzone runs during the service
3rd Sunday 9am Holy Communion – St Andrew’s, Kingham
10.45am Holy Communion – All Saints, Churchill
Kidzone runs during the service
4th Sunday 9am Holy Communion – All Saints, Churchill
10.45am All Age Worship – St Andrew’s, Kingham
5th Sunday 10.45am Benefice Service at St Mary’s, Chipping Norton
There is always a creche available at the 10.45am service, with a responsible adult there to help.
When there’s a fifth Sunday in the month we meet at 10.45 in St Mary’s Chipping Norton with other members of the team.
In addition to these morning services we also have occasional afternoon services: Evening Prayer at St Peter’s Daylesford and Messy Church in Churchill Village Hall. Please check Church News for details.